it may seem silly to answer the same question over and over again. Yet, isn’t this what we do as artists creatives and people who dream?
When we learn again to ask “What if?” We open doors. What if I wrote every day? What if I started a new plan to work out? what if I add curry to this dish? What if this project is perfect the way it is and I can finish and move onto the next one? Some “What if’s” are bigger than other’s and some don’t feel like they are worth exploring...and yet I’ve found that the smaller the what if the more likely it is that I will act on it and bring something into the world. What “What if’s” are you exploring?
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Sitting cross legged staring into space. I snapped back into it, oh right, I look down, I'm holding my note book and pen. I've written about a paragraph. I was day dreaming again. It's about 5 am and a black cup of coffee is in front of me, I go for it in hopes that it will help me focus, and get me closer to writing the three pages prescribed by Julia Cameron in the Artist's way.
Having used morning pages before as a way to get my creative juices flowing, I didn't expect much to come of them. The truth is though that a few years ago I really half heartedly read The Artist's Way and wrote pages for a little while, dropping off when something got tough, or you know, "life happened." Two months ago in September though I found myself really burning to get back into the things I love, making videos, drawing, designing T-shirts, playing guitar. I was feeling stuck though. Doing morning pages every day, well, I honestly wish I could tell you how it works, but I've found myself more inspired than ever, so much so that I've made a short video every day for thirty days and eaten more healthily than I have in a long time. These may seem like small things, but they are not to me. I've been talking about making videos for a very long time and really haven't been working on it at all. Are they magic? Well, there is no cure-all for being stuck BUT if you're looking for a really really good way to get yourself unstuck with high likelihood, I suggest writing three pages every morning, before your day starts. See the book for guidelines. -Ilan |